Have you ever felt like giving up?
Ever felt like growing up?
Ever made the same choice every time?
Time and time again that you rolled tears?

Have you ever denied God?
No, not in words but in deeds?
Ever felt there’s little progress?
So much so, life makes little sense?

Heads up if you’ve ever desired Him as your God!
Hands down if you’ve ever seek after other gods!
Hands up if you’ve ever felt like giving Him (God) all
Heads down if you’ve felt you gave Him none..

Oh what a bad feeling to have
Ah! Horrible emotions to behold
To know you’re neither for Him nor against Him!

Have you ever been in the middle?
Yea, in the middle of war over your soul?
Have you faced reality?
Yea, right in the face, ever faced your nemesis?

Yes! Your enemy, ever confronted it?
No not satan, your flesh! Ever denied it?
For this body is capable of helping one to early grave!
Ah! If care is not taking,
this flesh is capable of assisting one to that dreadful place..

Ever been aware of this?
But what I perceive is this
For to be stuck in the middle
is to neither be for Him nor against Him
Living in between is like having a fire that’s not re-kindled.

For behold, distraction? Destroyer of destinies
Laziness? The destruction of many
Lukewarmness? Mother of all Laziness?
Conveteousness? A results of impatience!

Lo, every times, mine spirit is starved
Ah! My flesh seems to be in charge!!

Mainly because I’m in the middle
Entangled by distraction
Discouraged by affliction

So much so, Lukewarmness takes a stroll in my life
Eh! indiligence caught a grip on my heart.

Mine choices seems to be neutral
But mine heart begs to differ
Behold, I’ve made a choice, this day, He’s now my all
From now on, I loose all control

Its a choice worth making
Ah! Its a road worth taking.


Psalmist Seyi [January 2014]